The Kingdom of God
Bible Christian Life Coaching Academy of Fitness & Self Defense

Boldly proclaiming the Kingdom of God and teaching about our Lord Jesus Christ through physical fitness and self-defence.

“It’s not religion, It’s “The Way”, It’s “The Truth” and” The only way of Life.”

The BCF Academy – Mission

To help provide Biblical Life Coaching to young Christians of all ages, who are struggling with low self-esteem, anger, stress, anxiety, depression, and substance abuse closer to God and Christ by learning the Biblical principles of dealing with these issues, while learning Self-defence skills in a non- threatening, non- confrontational environment through a physically rigorous and disciplined boot camp style training program. My ultimate goal is to help my Christian brothers and sisters become better sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, mentors, guides and the light and the salt to a world which is lacking Godly men and women.